My first blog!Well,what would be an appropriate topic to start things right?Well........Of the many topics that run through my beautiful brain everyday, I'll pick the one that I'm always so vocal about in school and which I'm so OC about....The TSC! (No, not that literature series I'm writing which also has the same name..TSC refers to the new idealogy I have these days whose origin I will try to speculate in this blog)
So, how did I come up with my seemingly inexhaustible supply of pure quality willpower and my new notion of thinking that has changed so much more than I ever expected?
2nd year was a painful year for me. The Hellhounds suffered a tragic schism early on as someone whom I thought would stick all the crap out with us till the glorious end left the group...And so, did I put the thoughts of her aside and strive to be a better person?HELL NO!! I deteriorated inwardly as faster than you can say "Hounds Of Hell..." i was a certifed LOSER--and not even the humorous witticism of Sunny Tan, the success of the Nanawatai play or my debauched birthday bash could make me forget that thought..I always knew back then I was being a LOSER, but then didn't have any MOTIVATION to do anything about it...
When I think about it now, I can't believe how "colorful" the last year has been. I got a severe case of the hickies, I cut myself like a certified emo, played hookey extensively for even minor subjects such as RS and Filipino. What else?Oh yeah! I freakin' FAILED calculus!!!It's a wonder I didn't go along with my other classmates who fell victim to the Shifting Crisis during the sem break...

And now to the second semester..Fresh new start, right?New section to be with right? Big opportunity to get to know the girl who makes my cardiovascular system awry better,right? Here it goes again:HELL NO!!! Academically, well I did good---only in Calculus that is. For the rest of my glorious subjects, I was as serious about them as a hippo agreeing to go on a date with an anaconda. I simply couldn't care less...
Here is the part were it starts to sound emo, but this is just to communicate the facts as clearly as possible. I felt back then that I wasn't as significant to others as I had been in the past....I felt that I had wasted an awfully large amount of time, that I had wasted all my opportunities to prove myself to her(which is true), I felt that I wasn't exercising my intellectual prowess to the maximum(Hell, i'm not even sure if I used it at all)...I knew that I was in the nadir of my college life, and it was all caused by me...And not even Hahmoudi's song at Jomabo, the wild night of Monika's debut or the FARM sessions could make me forget that...

Finally, i had to fall. It just had to happen. A pretty bad fall, at that. And it happened at the end ofthe long and disappointing year---during the PE camp....Well, this girl gave me a message--through our mutual friends--that she doesn't want anything to have to do with me...So there...Yup, it hurt like hell(ego and stubborn pride can only take so much), but it wasn't the same old hurt....It was something different....And at that moment all the crap I had done throughout the year reverbated through my brain like a typhoon...It was a sick feeling---sort of like the feeling you get when---Hell,even now I can't describe it properly....